I am excited for what this new season will bring. The executive will be close to being full, with some new members joining the committee for the first time.
The club will still be in a financial position to offer some more charter trips as well as subsides Social events.
Membership will remain stable and we will try to encourage those members to become active in fishing comps and social events.
With Gerry stepping down from being Secretary, Gerry has agreed to help with maintaining the Facebook page and website so thanks Gerry.
Edward Crossland, grandson of our esteemed Life Member Don Ellis has agreed to become the club’s Secretary ably assisted by his mother Louise Ellis who has agreed to become the club’s Assistant Secretary. Please help both Edward and Louise as they take up their new roles.
As another season starts, the 89th year commences and the Angling committee have put out a very good season full of great venues to fish.
I urge those to support these venues as much as you can.
In closing I thank all who have contributed to making this a great club and I look forward to serving you for the next season.
Ian Morris - President
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