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Guest Speaker at General Meeting Wednesday 15th November

Dear Members,

At our General Meeting schduled for 8pm in the clubrooms on Wednesday 15th November, a guest speaker from Safe Transport Victoria will be in attendance to discuss “Boating Safety and Maintenance”.

You can access the Safe Transport Victoria website at https://safetransport.vic.gov.au/

You can view some of their safety videos including boat safety on Youtube at: https://youtu.be/xfzDKLAjNDA?si=4VMxik-YWC1I2F30


Another great snap from our Peter Elliot Trophy Day on the Goulburn River.

Left to right we have George and Judy Green and Mark Delziel proudly showing the best of their catches.

Mark hauled in the heaviest fish but we are not sure where from. But he was at the place called the Breakaway.

George won the competition and trophy with a 3.5kg bag. He caught more fish so he had the overall bag weight.

Judy got 2.4kg. Both caught theirs at the Alexander Bridge.

Congratulations to George, Judy and Mark.


All members are reminded that the next Members Night will be held at the clubrooms at 462-464 North Road Ormond on Wednesday 4th October commencing at 8pm.

This will be preceded by a Special Meeting to discuss the future direction of the club and renumeration to selected office bearers.

Why not come along, meet with your fellow members and have a chat about all things angling.

Welcome to the Ormond Angling Club Website

Welcome to the Ormond Angling Club. We have tried our best to create a more up-to-date and more dynamic site for our members and visitors, to keep abreast of the "going's on" in Ormond Angling Club. We have tried to add all the features of the existing site, but with better layout and easier viewing.

Please take a look around, and let us know what you like, what needs to be improved, and any other features that you may want to see added to the site. See the Contact Us page, or for membership enquiries you can ring Mario on 0424 499 746, Ian on 0407 874 879 or Gerry on 0414 257 276.

Also, visit us on Facebook, for the latest news and pics!

Thank you

Ormond Angling Club

The Pres Made it to Thornton This Morning

Ian and Gaynor Morris braved the cold this morning to join in the Club Fresh Water Competition on the Goulburn River for the Peter Elliot Trophy.

Best of fishing to all our members who braved the cold this morning.


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by Dr. Radut